Year 2
The mission of The Turning is to see people come into a relationship with God from that initial contact on the streets through follow-up and discipleship and settled into the local church. We have seen an incredible openness to the gospel which is the start of this journey; we have also seen a significant proportion of people willingly giving their contact details to be followed up and to begin to be discipled.

“I have seen God at work through The Turning – the foundations of prayer and unity, people responding to Jesus and the Body of Christ being mobilised. Sharing the Good News of Jesus remains an essential part of God’s call to His church. So, I am delighted to commend this to churches and would encourage them to prayerfully consider getting involved.”
– Lynn Greene, General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain

After two years
Once the initial launch has been completed The Turning works with City and Region Turning teams in the ongoing evangelism of the area, training of church members and building unity with pastors. This results in a continual growth in the number of people responding, church members involved and churches working together.
“I do not think The Turning could be more perfectly named or timed, with more and more Christians turning their eyes to their surrounding communities at the same time as more and more people seem ready to turn aside and listen to the Gospel. Let The Turning begin!”
–Alistair Matheson, Leader of Apostolic Church in Scotland

In two years
The Turning has found that during (and after) the missions:
- The members of the church develop boldness in their witnessing when they see how simple and easy it is to speak to people on the streets.
- The spiritual climate within the areas we visit is raised from the openness to hearing the gospel and expectations are raised.
- The churches in the area become more missional focussed and are expectant to see fruit in their area.
- Churches work together in a closer unity than they have seen before.
- Many, many people are introduced to Jesus.
Evangelists Trained
Total Responses
Churches involved
Evangelist, The Turning“Ahead of the national mission to Wales in July 2017; the ‘pre-mission’ in Swansea was something the team were looking forward to. Having heard about the unity of the churches in Wales we were excited to see what Father would do. It’s always fascinating to get to a new location and to hear people say ‘I’ve heard about what’s happened elsewhere and I’m so excited, but surely not Swansea….’
And then of course the Holy Spirit shows up, his children’s hearts are changed and believers in Swansea saw many people respond to Jesus…”
Evangelists Trained
Total Responses
Churches involved
Evangelists Trained
Total Responses
Churches involved
Evangelists Trained
Total Responses
Churches involved
Evangelists Trained
Total Responses
Churches involved

We have also developed an App on both Android and iOS platforms. The App is for both Christians and people who have responded on the streets, with different users getting access to different sections of the App. All users will get daily devotions and encouragement, the Bible and national news.
Each day everyone will receive a daily devotion that will encourage and strengthen their faith. This will be written by various people whoThe Turning is working with. This means that people who responded will straight away have begun their journey into dicipleship – before they are even met for coffee! This App is giving is the opportunity to bring Truth and Life to every person who downloads it.

The App will also enable us to communicate, at both national and local levels, any upcoming events or news that need to be shared. This means that local Hub leaders will be able to keep everyone up to date with what is happening in their area.
Not only will the App have Daily Devotions, Verse of the Day, News, Events, Testimonies, a Bible and ability to communicate with the Hub but it will improve upon the ability to collect the information of those who have responded and assigning them for follow up. Those people who are trained are able to safely and securely add people’s information in a GDPR compliant way. If they have been trained in follow-up they will also be able to access the information and update it quickly.
Av. Monthly income (£)
A number of interesting challenges have emerged around the nature of the Church discipleship and churches ability to respond adequately to the those open to the gospel.
- Yinka Oyekan and the team have been working on how to address these and best practice. Informing this upcoming review is
- The fruit of salvations at The Gate over the last year.
- The lessons learned from taking it to other cities. One key one being it has been least fruitful where it landed in a para church context rather than a local church unity movement.
- The impact of the new tools available to help churches succeed with this grace.
- Conversations with evangelistic organisations
- Conversations with over 1000 pastors (between Jan and may 2017).
This review should come out sometime in August. But it should be noted that The Turning team and now many others are of no doubt that God has given a great gift to the church.